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发表于 2014-11-7 12:27:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)

1.  As we all know, several primary schools and factories were named ____ the hero.A. from
B. at
C. after
D. to
      满分:5  分

2.  Virtue and vice are before you;____ leads you to happiness,____ to misery.A. the former,latter
B. a former,a latter
C. the former,the latter
D. former,latter
      满分:5  分

3.  He has promised to give up ____ hundreds of times.A. a tobacco
B. tobacco
C. the tobacco
D. tobaccos
      满分:5  分

4.  Mr. Johnson starts to work very early in the morning and goes on working until late in the afternoon ____ a break at midday.A. with
B. for
C. as
D. through
      满分:5  分

5.  It is reported that today ____ president will have lunch with ____ President Omon.A. the,the
B. a,a
C. the,/
D. /,/
      满分:5  分

6.  Harry leads a modest life. So his bank account continues to ____A. accumulate
B. decrease
C. disappear
D. determine
      满分:5  分

7.  The investigators found that more should be done for ____ in India.A. those poor
B. a poor
C. poor
D. the poor
      满分:5  分

8.  What would you say if you saw a fish walking along? Would you take another look if you saw a fish go up a tree? Would you be surprised to see a fish hop up on land? There is a fish that does all these things. Some people visiting India first told about the walking fish. What was the fish doing in that tree? How did it get there? They thought a bird might have put it there. But the next day they were surprised again. They saw the fish come out of the water. It was hard to believe, but up the road it went. The fish used its fins and tail to push itself along. It stopped to eat worms. Afterwards it walked over to a tree. Up, up it went. When it got high in the tree, it rested. The people couldn't wait to tell others about this strange fish. They told how it looked. The walking fish was not too big, they told the others. The one they saw was under a foot long. It was dark brown in color and had spots. They also noticed that it had big eyes. The people hearing this story thought it must be funny to see a fish walk along the bank while people were swimming in the water. Children in India like to catch these animals. The children can go biking right in their yards. From this passage we can infer that the fish likes to live _________.A. In the water
B. in land
C. in the tree
D. both in the water and on land
      满分:5  分

9.  She knows too well what is (in store).A. obvious
B. hidden
C. right now
D. to come
      满分:5  分

10.  What would you say if you saw a fish walking along? Would you take another look if you saw a fish go up a tree? Would you be surprised to see a fish hop up on land? There is a fish that does all these things. Some people visiting India first told about the walking fish. What was the fish doing in that tree? How did it get there? They thought a bird might have put it there. But the next day they were surprised again. They saw the fish come out of the water. It was hard to believe, but up the road it went. The fish used its fins and tail to push itself along. It stopped to eat worms. Afterwards it walked over to a tree. Up, up it went. When it got high in the tree, it rested. The people couldn't wait to tell others about this strange fish. They told how it looked. The walking fish was not too big, they told the others. The one they saw was under a foot long. It was dark brown in color and had spots. They also noticed that it had big eyes. The people hearing this story thought it must be funny to see a fish walk along the bank while people were swimming in the water. Children in India like to catch these animals. The children can go biking right in their yards. They just wait for one to come walking by. The people were ___________ when they saw the fish come out of the water.A. Unbelievable
B. frightened
C. surprised
D. excited
      满分:5  分

11.  "Sportswomanship,in this case,coach,"I quipped,hoping to (distract) him.A. retort
B. please
C. attract
D. divert
      满分:5  分

12.  People tend to enjoy the convenience of using something advanced without thinking of who ____ them.A. destroyed
B. invented
C. liked
D. waited
      满分:5  分

13.  To fully understand the writer, we must read not only between the lines, but sometimes ____ the lines.A. within
B. beyond
C. beside
D. among
      满分:5  分

14.  The boy was so afraid of his dad that every time when he saw his dad he would ____.A. shine
B. laugh
C. play
D. quiver
      满分:5  分

15.  Again the club hit him and he (crashed) to the ground.A. fell violently and noisily
B. rushed suddenly and speedily
C. cried loudly and wildly
D. climbed lazily and clumsily
      满分:5  分

16.  After agreeing on the trip to Nervada, we got down to making ____.A. show
B. arrangements
C. arguments
D. trays
      满分:5  分

17.  And the Museum of London (illustrates) the history of London from prehistoric times to the present day.A. represents
B. keeps pictures of
C. explains by giving examples
D. paints lots of pictures of
      满分:5  分

18.  Tianan Men Square and ____ Great Wall are two of the places everyone should see in ____ People’s Republic of China.A. the,the
B. /,/
C. the,/
D. /,the
      满分:5  分

19.  Mother picked up one of the green stalks, and Father (followed suit).A. did the same
B. went into the room
C. went after her
D. had to go
      满分:5  分

20.  When you walk along a street in a big city in the United States, you may see clocks in most stores. Radio announcers give the correct time during the day. People there think that it is important to know the time. Most Americans have watches. They want to do certain things at certain times. They do not want to be late. Not all people all over the world value time. Suppose you visit a certain country in South America. You would find that people living there do not like to rush. If you had an appointment with someone, he would probably be late. He would not care for arriving on time. In some countries in South America, even the radio programs may not begin right on time. Nor do the radio announcers think it important to announce the right time. Many people regard a clock as a machine. It seems to them that a person who does everything on time is controlled by a machine. They do not want a clock or any machine to have that much power over their lives. 问题:The word “rush” (Line 3,) in the passage most probably means( ).A. run
B. race
C. hurry
D. move
      满分:5  分
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)

1.  Please be serious. I am not ____. You should consider it carefully.A. sorting
B. joking
C. counting
D. comparing
      满分:5  分

2.  The chief servant clapped his hands and in came men servants and maids, all with wings on their backs, bearing golden trays (laden with) meat, fish, pomegranates and persimmons, pineapples and peaches.A. decorated with
B. loaded with
C. covered with
D. scattered with
      满分:5  分

3.  The most popular sight, however, is probably the strongly (guarded) room in which the crown jewels are kept and displayed.A. decorated
B. protected
C. locked
D. constructed
      满分:5  分

4.  Life is too boring in the countryside. You can hardly find any ____.A. entertainment
B. job
C. homework
D. movie
      满分:5  分

5.  John ____ to be a polite man, but in fact he is very rude.A. pretends
B. assures
C. affords
D. melts
      满分:5  分

6.  John’s face (lit up) with a smile and he said, “You see, I was right.”A. looked prettier
B. turned red
C. burned hot
D. became brighter
      满分:5  分

7.  The bride and bridegroom made ____ promises to each other in their wedding ceremony.A. famous
B. solemn
C. accidental
D. satisfied
      满分:5  分

8.  He walked around the tents trying to find the other dogs, but, to his surprise,they had (disappeared).A. gone out of sight
B. gathered together
C. given up hope
D. stayed away
      满分:5  分

9.  In Britain and in many other parts of the world, electricity from atoms, called nuclear energy, (provides) one more source of power.A. supplies
B. produces
C. creates
D. makes
      满分:5  分

10.  Peter doesn't like his job because it was too _________. Every day is the same.A. small
B. monotonous
C. shining
D. excited
      满分:5  分

11.  In order to run a company well, you cannot be too emotional. Instead, you have to be ____.A. wrong
B. senseless
C. satisfied
D. sensible
      满分:5  分

12.  This is the highest building in the city. On its top floor you can get ____ of the city.A. bird's-eye view
B. less obvious view
C. protected view
D. affected view
      满分:5  分

13.  The Professor’s enthusiasm and energy continue to (bear fruit) today.A. make physical experiments easier
B. produce good results
C. surprise people greatly
D. entertain people
      满分:5  分

14.  That is,how to let out the heated air of the body,and yet at the same time to (keep out) the rain.A. run away from
B. be safe from
C. hope for
D. be benefited by
      满分:5  分

15.  At noon all the big icicles along the eaves of the little house (quivered) and sparkled in the sunshine, and drops of water hung trembling at their tipsA. shone
B. worked
C. weakened
D. trembled
      满分:5  分

16.  I was crossing the street and was almost ____ by a car.A. attacked
B. decked
C. hit
D. held
      满分:5  分

17.  What? beef ice cream? It sounds so____!A. happy
B. normal
C. responsible
D. revolting
      满分:5  分

18.  Two minutes later the last of the dogs was (chased away).A. driven off
B. checked up
C. pressed through
D. caught
      满分:5  分

19.  With the help of the government,a large number of people ____ after the flood in 1991.A. survived
B. suspended
C. suffered
D. subjected
      满分:5  分

20.  Most teachers like ____ students.A. diligent
B. naughty
C. boring
D. difficult
      满分:5  分


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