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发表于 2014-11-7 12:40:14 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)

1.  She has managed to obtain a temporary work ___ in BritainA. permit
B. permission
C. permissiveness
D. permissible
      满分:4  分

2.   The medicine the doctor gave him ___ his headache.A. freed
B. refreshed
C. released
D. relieved
      满分:4  分

3.   The photo ___ happy memories of his early childhood.A. refreshes
B. brings to mind
C. stimulates
D. reminds myself
      满分:4  分

4.  The table was in curious ___ as both the top and legs were slightly curved.A. form
B. pattern
C. shape
D. model
      满分:4  分

5.   When did you ___ your excellent English?A. pick up
B. look up
C. keep up
D. take on
      满分:4  分

6.   On Sundays she usually does some ___ in ___.A. shopping/ big shop
B. shopping/big shoppings
C. shoppings/big shops
D. shopping/big shops
      满分:4  分

7.   His survival after the severe accident is a ___.A. surprise
B. mirror
C. marvel
D. miracle
      满分:4  分

8.   ___ a bit, or you’ll make yourself ill.A. Slow
B. Slow up
C. Slowly
D. Slovenly
      满分:4  分

9.  To clear a town of ___ officials is easier said than done.A. effective
B. rotten
C. efficient
D. profitable
      满分:4  分

10.   It is important ____ of the company to promote its new products.A. toil
B. task
C. labour
D. work
      满分:4  分

11.   Young as you are, you might be just smart enough to ___ her off her throne.A. cheer
B. exclude
C. tumble
D. humor
      满分:4  分

12.  I had ___ to visit my grandmother last week, but unfortunately I had a bad cold and therefore couldn’t go.A. refused
B. saved
C. intended
D. managed
      满分:4  分

13.   Bryce’s Department Store ___ its furniture department about a year ago.A. enlarged
B. was enlarged
C. has enlarged
D. has been enlarged
      满分:4  分

14.   If you want to get to Shanghai by tonight, you have no ___ but to go by plane.A. alteration
B. alternative
C. alternate
D. altercation
      满分:4  分

15.   He was a good runner so he ___ escape from the police.A. might
B. succeeded to
C. would
D. was able to
      满分:4  分

16.  When you study abroad, Let’s keep ___ with each other.A. on touch
B. on touch with
C. in touch
D. to touch on
      满分:4  分

17.  You’ve ___ my drink!A. knock down
B. knock together
C. knock over
D. knock up
      满分:4  分

18.  Magnesium has a specific gravity of 1.74, which means that ___ 1.74 times as much as an equal volume of water.A. it is weighed
B. weighing it
C. its weight
D. it weighs
      满分:4  分

19.   He made a ___ to build a successful business on his own in this district.A. disposal
B. hint
C. perspective
D. resolve
      满分:4  分

20.  I tried to ___the note to him in the exam while the teacher wasn’t looking.A. take
B. slip
C. give
D. bring
      满分:4  分

21.   He was fined $100 for ___ illegal ___.A. an / parking
B. —/parking
C. —/parking-lot
D. an/park
      满分:4  分

22.  He tends to get ___ when watching wrestling on TV.A. carried back
B. carried through
C. carried off
D. carried away
      满分:4  分

23.   The computer can be paid for in the ten monthly ___ of 100 dollars.A. pay
B. pays
C. payment
D. payments
      满分:4  分

24.  Some quite artistic, yet inexpensive fabrics are now being ___ from British mills.A. turned out
B. turned over
C. turned up
D. turned off
      满分:4  分

25.   His ___wife had died.A. beloved
B. beloving
C. belonging
D. lively
      满分:4  分
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)

1.  He ____ his children ____to school and then left out.A. packed off
B. packed up
C. packed in
D. packed away
      满分:4  分

2.  The old lady was really ____ when the boy's ball broke her window.A. cross
B. indignant
C. terrible
D. puzzled
      满分:4  分

3.  Don't ____ his tricks.A. fall in
B. fall into
C. fall for
D. fall out
      满分:4  分

4.  We took our raincoats with us , but we didn't need them _____.A. after all
B. at any rate
C. all along
D. as a result
      满分:4  分

5.  A club is a place to make frequent ____ with friends.A. contrast
B. contract
C. contact
D. content
      满分:4  分

6.  It will ____ you _____ if she never speak to you againA. serve....in
B. serve.... right
C. serve.... away
D. serve... great
      满分:4  分

7.  He was ____ of the crime.A. innocence
B. harmless
C. innocent
D. guilty
      满分:4  分

8.  She has a ____ for saying the wrong thing.A. genesis
B. genius
C. genie
D. genetics
      满分:4  分

9.  Everything on earth is subjected _____ the laws of natureA. to
B. of
C. for
D. with
      满分:4  分

10.  Be ____ ,you cannot expect the child to do all the work on her own.A. logical
B. hones
C. reasonable
D. sincere
      满分:4  分

11.  While they were away on vacation, they allowed their mail to ____ at the post office.A. pile up
B. rise up
C. turn up
D. cover up
      满分:4  分

12.  This garden is crying out _____ rain.A. for
B. at
C. against
D. to
      满分:4  分

13.  The author gave an example ____ support of his argument.A. for
B. to
C. in
D. with
      满分:4  分

14.  If you don't hear anything ____ the contrary I'll meet you at 7 o'clock tonight.A. on
B. in
C. to
D. about
      满分:4  分

15.  Our water supply was ____ because of the pipe burst.A. cut down
B. cut off
C. cut away
D. cut up
      满分:4  分

16.  We ____ the tools before we left the workshop.A. put down
B. put out
C. put away
D. put off
      满分:4  分

17.  The soldiers are ____.A. leaving away
B. left off
C. on leave
D. leaving behind
      满分:4  分

18.  ____ for his poetry but also for his six-volume life of Abraham Lincoln.A. Not only Carl Sandburg is known
B. Carl Sandburg is known not only
C. Carl Sandburg, knowing not only
D. Carl Sandburg ,who is known not only
      满分:4  分

19.  "Death control" ____ to the efforts of scientists and doctors to save people's lives.A. means
B. refers
C. indicates
D. suggests
      满分:4  分

20.  He made such a ____ contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new building after him.A. genuine
B. minimum
C. modes
D. generous
      满分:4  分

21.  The success of the project ____ on the support we get from our friends.A. hinges
B. hints
C. bars
D. hinders
      满分:4  分

22.  A small terrorist group has ____ responsibility for the bombing in London.A. claimed
B. acclaimed
C. exclaimed
D. reclaimed
      满分:4  分

23.  We prefer to discuss the plan fully -____ it in practice hurriedly.A. than put
B. to put
C. rather than put
D. to putting
      满分:4  分

24.  Because I am her adviser, I think I ____ tell her the news.A. ought to
B. will to
C. should ought to
D. had ought to
      满分:4  分

25.  I'm sorry. You're right. I'm ____ the wrong.A. in
B. at
C. on
D. under
      满分:4  分


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