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Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2014-11-3 16:25:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)

1.  Sue: Do you like these grapes?
Nancy: ______A. Not at all.
B. I've tasted better.
C. Very little.
D. They taste terrible.
      满分:4  分

2.  He prides _____ on being a member of a good family.A. himself
B. he
C. him
D. his
      满分:4  分

3.  Roger: How are you feeling?Peter: Much better.__A. Thanks for coming to see me
B. You look great
C. You are so kind
D. Don't mention it
      满分:4  分

4.  I ______ great pity on the woman whose baby died.A. gave
B.  put
C. based
D. took
      满分:4  分

5.   The doctor ________ prescriptions for me.A. figured out
B. wrote out
C. took out
D. gave out
      满分:4  分

6.  Young ______ he is, he handles things skillfully.A. if
B. though
C. while
D. as
      满分:4  分

7.  Edward: It's rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window? Carole: ________A. Yes, please.
B. No, go ahead.
C. Sure, please.
D. I don't like it.
      满分:4  分

8.  Your pen is the same ________ mine.A. to
B. with
C. as
D. by
      满分:4  分

9.  Alice: Stella, this is my boyfriend Rock.
Stella: ______A. You may only have one.
B. Yours is lovely, too.
C. Oh, really? Nice to meet you.
D.  Very well, thank you.
      满分:4  分

10.   I spent two hours ______ my report.A. to write
B. written
C. writing
D. write
      满分:4  分

11.  His death resulted ______ the accident.A. in
B. at
C. from
D. of
      满分:4  分

12.  Ted: How are you, Bob?Bob: _____________.A. How are you?
B. I’m fine.Thank you.
C. How do you do?
D. Nice to meet you.
      满分:4  分

13.  She advised that I _______ in bed for a few days.A. rested
B. should rest
C. must rest
D. ought to rest
      满分:4  分

Steve:Can I get you a cup of coffee?
A. I don't take sugar, thank you.
B. You can, please.
C. Thank you for the coffee.
D. That's very nice of you.
      满分:4  分

15.  People usually _______ spring with sunshine and flowers.  A. regard
B. imagine
C. welcome
D. connect
      满分:4  分

16.   I am committed _______ part in the meeting.A. to taking
B. to take
C. taking
D. taken
      满分:4  分

17.  The price is $14.90, _________ postage.A. includes
B. including
C.  to include
D. included
      满分:4  分

18.   One half of the earth is in darkness _______ the other half is bright.  A. as
B. while
C. since
D. because
      满分:4  分

19.   Customer: Excuse me, we ordered a coffee without milk instead of this white coffee.
Waiter: I' m sorry. ______
A. I'll change it right away.
B. Yes, the coffee is white.
C. It's terrible.
D. You talk with the manager.
      满分:4  分

20.  As ________, he did not show up at the party.A. was expected
B. would be expected
C. had been expected
D. expected
      满分:4  分

21.  Susan: Betty, we’d like you to join us at a buffet party next Saturday.Betty: ___________, Susan. What time do you expect me to be there?A. I’d love to
B. No way
C. By no means
D. I’m afraid not
      满分:4  分

22.   She advised that I _______ in bed for a few days.A.  rested
B. should rest
C. must rest
D. ought to rest
      满分:4  分

23.   He saved the child’s life at the _______ of his own life.A. spending
B. service
C. cost
D. value
      满分:4  分

24.  Paul: I wonder if I could use your laptop tonight? Bill: _______________ I'm not using it right now.A. Sure, go ahead.
B. I don't know.
C. It doesn't matter.
D. Who cares?
      满分:4  分

His supposition is good in theory _____ cannot be put into practice.
A. and
B. or
C. but
D. while
      满分:4  分
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)

1.  The bridge is ________ construction.A. in
B. with
C. under
D. during
      满分:4  分

2.  As ________, he did not show up at the party.A. was expected
B. would be expected
C. had been expected
D. expected
      满分:4  分

3.  She sang ________, but the show was a failure. A. enough good
B. good enough
C. enough well
D. well enough
      满分:4  分

4.  John: Well, it’s getting late. Maybe we could get together some other time.Harry: _________.A. Take it easy
B. Nice to see you back
C. Sounds good
D. I’ll give you a call
E. Yes,I’ve enjoyed it
      满分:4  分

5.   If _______ into fire, paper will burn.A. throwing
B. to throw
C. threw
D. thrown
      满分:4  分

6.  Caller: Hi, is Jill there, please? Mary: __________A. Hold on. I'll get her.
B. No, she isn't here.
C. Yes, she lives here.
D. Yes, what do you want?
      满分:4  分

7.  His death resulted ______ the accident.A. in
B. at
C. from
D. of
      满分:4  分

Steve:Can I get you a cup of coffee?
A. I don't take sugar, thank you.
B. You can, please.
C. Thank you for the coffee.
D. That's very nice of you.
      满分:4  分

9.  The price is $14.90, _________ postage.A. includes
B. including
C.  to include
D. included
      满分:4  分

10.   He saved the child's life at the _______ of his own life.A. spending
B. service
C. cost
D. value
      满分:4  分

11.   I spent two hours ______ my report.A. to write
B. written
C. writing
D. write
      满分:4  分

12.   They usually go for a walk in ______ with each other after supper. A. line
B. pace
C. time
D. company
      满分:4  分

13.  They _________ the conversation in a friendly atmosphere.A. carried out
B. carried on
C. carried forward
D. carried with
      满分:4  分

14.  I used to _______ on electricity, but I've switched to gas.A. cook
B. cooking
C. cooked
D. cooks
      满分:4  分

15.  Paul: I wonder if I could use your laptop tonight? Bill: _______________ I'm not using it right now.A. Sure, go ahead.
B. I don't know.
C. It doesn't matter.
D. Who cares?
      满分:4  分

16.   Alice: Stella, this is my boyfriend Rock.
Stella: ______  
A. You may only have one.  
B. Yours is lovely, too.
C. Oh, really? Nice to meet you.
D. Very well, thank you.
      满分:4  分

17.  The workers were resting with the machine ________.A. run
B. running
C. to run
D. runs
      满分:4  分

18.   She sang ________, but the show was a failure.A. enough good
B. good enough
C. enough well
D. well enough
      满分:4  分

19.   Jason: Hi, Robert, how's everything with you?
Robert: _____________, and how are you?
A. Don't mention it
B. Hm, not too bad
C. Thanks
D. Pretty fast
      满分:4  分

20.  There were forty people _______ yesterday’s meeting.A. attending
B. attended
C. to attend
D. attend
      满分:4  分

It seemed as if all of a ______
the animal had smelt danger in the air.

A. sudden
B. moment
C. minute
D. once
      满分:4  分

22.  ______ this with that, and you will see which is better.A. Compare
B. Compared
C. Comparing
D. To compare
      满分:4  分

23.   At present, he is ____ holiday.A. in
B. at
C. on
D. by
      满分:4  分

24.  He saved the child's life at the _______ of his own life.A.  spending
B. service
C.  cost
D. value
      满分:4  分

25.  We regard him ______ our close friend.A. is
B. to be
C. be
D. being
      满分:4  分


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